We get results.

ScreenVend, gracias a su tecnología ClicksiNBricks®, permite a los minoristas y a las marcas habilitar estrategias digitales de venta al por menor a través de plataformas omnicanal, y el microcumplimiento instantáneo en la tienda mediante el uso de la robótica.

Find out more about the benefits and real-time results of our solution through our case studies below.

Conaty's CarePlus Pharmacy, Dunboyne, Co. Meath

Our first ScreenVend solution installed in Ireland was in Conaty’s CarePlus Pharmacy in Dunboyne, Co. Meath.

Read the case study here.

Loughrea CarePlus Pharmacy, Loughrea, Co. Galway

The second CarePlus Pharmacy to install the ScreenVend solution was Loughrea CarePlus Pharmacy, Co. Galway.

Read the case study here.

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